Testimonial Image
Testimonial Image
To the Network Operations Teams at Hot Fish Global and MB Creative Lab

Over the past three years, Hot Fish Global has provided my company with quality service, assisting us with sourcing IT equipment and associated financing requirements. They have always been a proactive organisation, coming to us with ideas on ways to improve our business.

Our main contact Kieran Block, has always been dedicated to our company, offering honesty, intelligence, directness, and flexibility. When he says the job will be done, it gets done.

Initially, we did have some issues with bugs in our system, as happens with any new system, as well as support concerns. However, Hot Fish Global has always been willing and has reacted quickly and smoothly to sort out any problems.

Hot Fish Global developed and implemented our customised LAN system and still look after it today. We have an ongoing agreement with them in place, which we are happy to continue with.

We believe Hot Fish Global are a great partner to work with, who show much initiative, and I look forward to our ongoing mutually beneficial relationship.

Simon McInnes
Manager, Finance & Administration
Cotton Australia
W: www.cottonaustralia.com.au